Friday, October 31, 2008

Thank you for not wasting any of my time

Above; 25% done was the estimation of the artist as to what point this was in the piece when asked of this page in his sketchbook for future projects.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

More waste, less want

Jupiter is grey, hair is pink-ish waste not, want not.
I do not know if I have posted this before, more wasted time playing with color in illustrator from 2006 ,or '07, perhaps maybe it was 2005?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Zero days until "Blankout"

quick cd disk doodled on like a lonely lost piece of forgotten discarded paper except made of plastic and foil and round with a hole in the center My, how quickly 12 days pass! the Blank out begins right.... NOW!
Okay, so maybe a few more days but I am seriously wrestling with the idea of shifting to a "one a week" posting schedule as I feel nothing drives up interest like letting 6 days pass and getting people to forget to click back once a week as the time passes and distractions mount up, and life goes on. And, then on some more.
Moreover, life goes on if you get my drift.
Above; Quick doodle on a cd-disk, work time: 6 minutes or less

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

12 days to the "Blankout"

above: unfinished piece, unspecified percentage done, sketch done with probable later revision at larger medium.
12 days 'til the blankout when the streak of 5 days a week posting of works will be interrupted for a week's time while blogger is encased in steel and given time to heal.

Monday, October 27, 2008

"bad scan, needs rotation" is my comment

page 81_Sketchbook tetris but not white lines and squiggles

"Those that write clearly have readers, those that write obscurely have commentators." -Camus

Friday, October 24, 2008

Life imitating art

Last night on CSI:Las Vegas, an artist character said, "I don't like looking at inferior art. It sears into my brain like bad mexican food."
I thought that was just made-up fiction created by non-artists but now I know why Vincent Van Gogh was so miserable in his lifetime.
[Not comparing myself to Van Gogh; I am not miserable in the slightest.]
...the above is still in-progress.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Clipped in-progress sketchbook page

It seems all I do is post sketch book pages. yeah, but so what?just started sketch book page, look at all the pretty colors
Here is a sketchbook page I started last night. It is a lot harder to do painting with a 5 year old around, my paint dryed on the brush twice running around feeding him. The lines have less flow also when the phone rings twenty times a night because the family that had your number before the phone company gave it to you was a republican. If I hear one more time how it is not unamerican to have your husband be part of a group that wants to leave the United States like the South left the USA in the Civil War but it is to live on the same street as a guy that blew up a statue 38 years ago, I am going to vomit. One good thing that came out of it, I checked Wikipedia and found out that the Weathermen never killed one person in their whole short time. Well, no civilians. They killed themselves botching the making of a bomb once, 3 members dead.
Wiki says that after that drama they were meticulous in making sure they targeted empty buildings and made sure no one was around when they did their protests against us being in Vietnam or the assasination of the Black Panthers leader when the FBI shot him while he was in bed asleep. They were radicals and they did not help their cause one bit, the war or racial violence did not end.
If I was not already being called a, "Liberal" by virtue of being an artist as explained to me when I lived in the South, I might become one.
Knowing professionally someone who 38 years ago protested violently by blowing up empty govnt. property due to govnt. shooting black men in their sleep vs. someone who is married to someone who "today" was actively planning and participating in group seeking to leave the USA for whatever reason, which one is Joe the Plumber going to be compromise to?
I just wish the Republicans would let me paint in peace. The Democrats just send me e-mails asking for money.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Coils- 95% done

non adjusted small scan
52% contrast and -52% brightness
brightness negative to the max, contrast way beyond this coils original plans for display

Your perception may vary from my own.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

130th daily post (M-F)! ...and, more on the Coils

coils of pretty blue and green, oh what a tangled web we screw up Yeah, I project maybe one more day (or night) and I will be done (w/ the reserved right to come back and paint in white high lights where the threads pass too close for my big clumsy ink pen to give me the fine control I so professionally desire).

Today I heard Hayden Pantettiere say the "F" word three times and Jenna Elfman said, "Bitch" at least twice, some days are weird.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Flickr? I don't even really know her, I was just checking to see if her windows needed to be shut from outside as it has gotten so cold lately.


And if the link does not work (

the picture is below but at smaller dpi.

It might take awhile to get the hang of this.
Flickr thing, I mean.

On to more obscure things... I have been said to be really down-to-earth, and yet I would presume that with my abstract art, people would judge me to be really, "spacey" or stellar or up above the clouds. That is all great but it won't get me a date. No one seems to keen on the guy that resembles a celestial body of void and matter with smatterings of intense solar fire and occasional gases, at least no one I have met. Having the passion of a raging sun, and yet being grounded with a bright and small son is a unusual combination, not for me, but I speak of the female population that is not so confidant at the mixing of energy and solids.
I know I fear the unknown, I do not judge anyone else at their trepidation but I just think it is silly. So, I emcompass all things, and I am god-like. I get that. I really do, even if I am joking about all this. I just want some star-crossed mud-covered hijinks or adventures, too, before I fade off into oblivion.
Is it really so hard to read what I write?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Chicken-legged BB-eyed Bullet-head!

a little robot unsure of his place in the universe Hey! Be nice, he is sensitive about his appearence. Plus it is not like anything has been done with him since the mid-90's when I built him, so he probably feels a bit neglected also.
Prof. Atom is his name.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


It would be nice if I did not keep forgeting my passwords to this site.
Also, I have not input famous actresses' names in here for a long time and thus site traffic has gone way down, I mean way,way down. You'd think I was just some commercial designer with only 8 years experience at my job it is so down.
I have 10+ years.
Cassidy Freeman. The most beautiful, engaging actress I have to offer up randomly with a large amount of bias and sincerity... Actually, there is no good way to namecheck a total stranger w/o seeming like a total lunatic, so I will just try to skate the surface and say "I hope she gets a lot of people typing in her name to Google and they accidentally come here artifically driving up my numbers, since my artwork is not doing the number on the collective consensus to shower me in public adoration. I don't even have one stalker."
Good job at not sounding like a lunatic, I must say.

(that is a joke there.)

{"I don't even have a stalker." Words to die by.}

hourglass design from my sketchbook

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another fine mess, in progress

Some times you you just have too many ways you can go w/ a project, although I wish it had a more delicate finer thinner line but that is part of the forward motion... Seeing what you'd change in the past after being there.
Generally, I prefer thinner lines.

Still a single father, still one income, still one child to father.
Still happy.
Because I want a thinner, more delicate line? I'd like to think I don't know.
Still only my perspective to contend with, still no one to widen my perceptions, still believing.
Still dreaming.
Still me.
-What this all has to do with the swirling stuff above, I have no idea. I am just sleepy right now.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Moment, passed.

Doodle, done.
Whim, satisfied.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Family Crest? 75% done?

Yeah, I think it is ludicrous also the junk I post here, but who's going to tell me otherwise? It has been, like what? 144 days since I started, well at least 125 days of daily posts Monday through Friday and no feedback, no audience.
Q: "What sound does a tree make if it falls in a forest but no one hears it?"
A: "CHUBB!!!!"

I am now posting two weeks in advance (okay, a week as today for me is 10/06/08 but I have not posted for a week as a sort of a vacation for me that no one knew about so it was two weeks until last week). So, maybe sometime between then and now things will pick up. State of the world and America is kind of depressing me., through I must put out a shout-out to the King of Saudi Arabia for getting the Taliban to peace talks and splitting with Al-Queda and possibly weakening the supposed/suspected Iranian influence in Pakistan (typical airhead not sure who is hiding Ben Laden).

Friday, October 10, 2008

Whine much?

As the new Master of Time (and Space, cross your fingers... No, wait. Waste of time, I won that, too, three seconds before I typed that. It is very convenient being Master of Time), I got some wine bottles I made before I was ... Wait, as Master, nothing exists 'before,' so how does it all fit together..?
Never mind.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Election year

I am running for the office of, Master Of Time.
If I win, I promise to take on the Master of Space. He has gotten too big.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Mogo had fallen asleep with his cowl on after a long night of crime-fighting, which did not make getting ready for a 6:30 AM board meeting any easier, or so his mirror told him.
a young ape, or gorilla who fell asleep in his batman inspired costume and woke up with bad bed head The life of a billionaire playboy ape who fights crime at night dressed as a bat was not an easy one by any measure, but trying to get some control of this mop might be harder than the time he and Ace (that son of a she-hound) mistakenly got in a fight with the Wire-Ant and Firefrog in a case of mistaken identities.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Coils" - 50% done!!

It is HALF done, Ho0-Raaayyyy!
Wait, it is only half done.
Wire ants...
Is "wire ants" a curse word?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Stick it!

I love you enough to give you more lit dynamite.
...Now, that is love, people.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

4 coins and a cross, in-progress

a family heraldic badge, modified and in progress.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


There is no bats, just one bat. I swear, people see one bat and they think that a whole legion are present. That gives me an idea, a "Legion of Bat-Heroes"...
Who needs super-heroes when you have bat-heroes fighting to save the future?