WARNING!!!! OLD DATED POLITICAL CLAPTRAP INAPPROPRIATE FOR AN ART BLOG!!! Yes, I am not a "republican" but i am also not much of any political party or label. I must be blanketed under some label but I try to not label myself. Anyway, the below is just some stuff I vented about that I am keeping here to remind myself in 2012 if another politican calls one city in America more "American" than another city in the United States of America... Real Americans are pretty much the population of thecities of the U.S. of A., and no city is MORE american than another.My photoshop is on the fritz, so no scanner at home, so no new image today. Tomorrow, two.
Hard to believe but I forgot for a moment what today was. Then I brought up the computer and found I had left open the screen about the flier telling these people in a predominately black area that voting was postponed for some to the 5th, but if you were going to vote for McCain that they should vote on the 4th, if voting for Obama that they were being requested to vote the day after. That and the girl who carved a backwards "B" in her face does not reflect to well on certain people. Not that the guy in West Hollywood is any sort of Brianiac for making a Holloween display with a noose around a mock Palin, and mock McCain in flames and claiming free speech when the same noose around a effigy of Obama... Legal action soon follows that.
We feel very strongly about our American path, to be apathetic seems depressing.
I read how Palin is warning of a, "Far Left takeover" and using such scary words like, "San Francisco" and "Liberal" and "Muslim" like they are not a city, or a loose pattern of thoughts, or a religion much like the many religions that transferred over here with the pilgrims seeking worship in freedom free of opression and hate. I dislike Palin, there are no pro-American areas of the United States of America, it is all America and we are ALL Americans; there are no anti-American areas for her to rail against. It is only more ironic that she sleeps with a man that is part of a anti-America/pro-Alaskan freedom party, and she talks of San Francisco as if it were stronghold of nazis or terrorists and not an american city and part of our grand diverse nation.
To be apathetic in the face of that is stupid in my view but I have a narrow view having lived seven years in the south east part of America and 31 years in the west part, I have not found any anti-american cities or people living here and that is only my take on my country.