Thursday, February 26, 2009

26th of Feeb (not Feb.)

I could be happier with this one. I could definitely polish it a bit more, take a few steps more and I will but it is now on the backburner as I have no urgency.
1. complete the frame of paint/ink to "frame it.
2. deepen the colors, even out the purple shape for one. The pen I have, was mailed to me with its cap loose so it is in need of replacement. Detail the grey areas.
3. sign my name when I feel better about it in total.
4. re-do the whole thing in mono-tone as I find the colors distracting and unnecessary. They look like polyps to me, disgusting.
Also the text of the book flaring through is starting to wear on me. I have to remember to write down that solution I thought of for that that I keep forgetting to write down...
There I did it.
Problem solved, now to just wait a few months until I have free pages that I have not already sketched out work-in-progress on.
I think about me and Allison Mack walking beneath the ocean in evening wear. It is weird.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Red means stop

Sorry, I was hit from behind as I waited at a red light by another car. The bizarre part is that it was the same year and make of my car, the one that hit me.
I have been in no position to post new art work this week. My shoulder and neck has been hurting.
But, oddly not enough for me to not sketch out another few pages this week to be finished and posted sometime in the future. Plus I am awaiting family from out-of-state, so I have been using my freetime to scrubbing the carpet and misc. I noticed I have not dusted, so of course that will be a big problem. I don't dust enough, or I make too much dust.
Making too much dust is definitely a problem.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

someday in Feb.

I am very concerned about the lack of professionalism on this page, but I already said that. Anyway, it may have beared repeating.
My new favourite decade-younger beyond-me-more-famous (which may not be saying much, I think I lost first place in google search of my name months ago) artist is Katie Cook.
She is the real deal in hyper professional, and she is the bomb. I wish I knew people like her, I am pretty bummed I only know people like me, or people that think they are better than me (meaning they don't really know me). The turkeys are always trying to keep the eagles down, brother, power to the people!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Second month, third day

I do not know if I posted this before, I honestly don't.
It seems half done.
I sketched it out years ago because I was interested in carrying it further in a larger format in oil paint.
The page opposite it in my sketch book is an old japanese proverb about how people are saddened by the rain because they are concerned about getting wet.
I take a shower every morning, and in the summer I will swim in the pool.
...I am not sad.
But I dislike washing dishes by hand, I can never understand how I end up getting my sleeves, pants, and shoes wet. I hate when that happens plus it kills my back leaning over the sink.
Rain does not sadden me.
Sinks do.