Friday, July 10, 2009

random illustrator work w/ 2 interfaces

I was laid off from my job Wednesday, a reduction to the workforce due to the current economy was the reason.
Nothing personal, and I do not take it personal. I feel fortunate to have lasted through the two-three prior waves of lay-offs that my company had to do, my number just came up this time.
That said, I need a new job.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

purposely maxed the level adjust

quick 15 minute job, so when scanned in... I blitzkrieg-ed the levels manually to bring out the subtle details as I was randomly grabbing pens from upstairs to color in downstairs on the kitchen table.
I think the tiger is torked I gave him a 'emo' blue eyeshadow make-up job. I don't blame him.
No, there is no time warp. The date of the picture says the 19th, and the posted date is the 9th. There was a black hole near by Earth at the time. I think that is the explanation but I am no astrophysicist. I am an artist.

2 week project from 2007

Monday, July 6, 2009

One man, one postcount

* from my 1991 sketchbook from college.
So many paths, so many threads, so many overlapping, so much chaos and so much order.
-social disorder in a population of individuals crossing at random time(s)
-paths to heaven
-paths of strangers & family
I am a quirky duckie, this thing never seen in science, I like my roads of souls.
I am a ducky quirkie.
(I don't know a thing about autism & hyper-intelligence; I just think the path's of some are a little less direct and predictable.)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

more scraps

not meant to look like a basket But it is a weave, so whatever...
apparently the 1990's were full of scraps of artwork for me.

The red ants below is a current thing, not from the 1990's, this is from the late 1980's, in a way sort-of.

Vacuums suck, voids suck, sudden complete absence of all matter sucks.
This is the end of my attempt at funny for today.