Thursday, June 26, 2008


Last of the "junk" from the early 1990's and hopefully the last of the irritating, "Is that eye skewed or is it just me?" posts. Call it my "popculture picasso" series, faces distorted. Anyway, i think it is important to see the old stuff and the new stuff, and not just the "best", or "perfect" stuff as it is just a matter of opinion. Some people aren't in total awe of my abstract stuff being that they, the viewer, are more objective in mindset, and others love my abstract stuff as they are more favored in subjective viewing and see no talent in simply portraying a face or a landscape, or a thing that anyone could do if they tryed. I like more original one-of-a-kind stuff myself (anyone can, of course, copy them after but they will be then taking the objective route, depicting an abstract objectively rather than subjectively. Does that make sense?) .
Tomorrow another (or the last) copy from pop culture/comic books and more original stuff next week. Maybe even an abstract drawing.

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