Also, I have not input famous actresses' names in here for a long time and thus site traffic has gone way down, I mean way,way down. You'd think I was just some commercial designer with only 8 years experience at my job it is so down.
I have 10+ years.
Cassidy Freeman. The most beautiful, engaging actress I have to offer up randomly with a large amount of bias and sincerity... Actually, there is no good way to namecheck a total stranger w/o seeming like a total lunatic, so I will just try to skate the surface and say "I hope she gets a lot of people typing in her name to Google and they accidentally come here artifically driving up my numbers, since my artwork is not doing the number on the collective consensus to shower me in public adoration. I don't even have one stalker."
Good job at not sounding like a lunatic, I must say.
(that is a joke there.)
{"I don't even have a stalker." Words to die by.}

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