Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I need a bigger house!

When I was a small child, my mum had a friend who had a house on the side of a hill, and I guess they meet in an art class, so this woman had a huge studio stretching the back of the house overlooking the valley. Total fantastic clutter of easels and desks and paint and brushes and books, and I fell in love. I want a huge enormous creative space that I never have to apoligize for or what-not.
I want the whole brass band, I want to throw huge wonderful parties exhibiting my art works, I want a space to create those future art works, I want to not have to throw everything in a box if someone visits me because where I create art right now is also where someone would have to sleep if I had visitors that wanted to sleep. I want people to not sleep in my space.
I need a bigger house.
No sleep in my art space. I get very little done having to pack things up and unpack things again.
I want automony.

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