Friday, August 14, 2009

leaving my fingerprint on you

Quotations are always nice.
"If, in the course of going about my [artsy] business, I have somehow inadvertently given offense...If, without meaning to, I have bruised a few tender egos...If, quite by accident, I have injured the occasional reputation...If, through careless innuendo, I have damaged a career...If, by any action on my part, I have caused suffering or grief...If, intentionally, I have cast asperations on my betters...If, I have unflaggingly salted the wounds of people in pain...If my callous disregard for the feelings of others has left a bloody trail of littered corpses in its wake...If my undying malice has torn to pieces the fragile facades concealing the twisted grotesqueries that lie just beneath the surface...If, in fact, I have been the butcher of banality and the ultimate hacksaw artist of all that has previously been held in sacred esteem by the preeminent powers-that-be of the [art] industry...
"...Then I'll feel that I've done my job."
-Son of Ambush Bug, (issue 6, page 12, Oct. 1986)
I paraphrased a little bit, but when was the last time a comic book was quoted...Other than by Gomer Pyle saying, "Shazam!"

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