Friday, March 20, 2009

Love, absolutely love, Lily Allen

It's Not Me, It's You album by Lily Allen
Track 8
Less about the commentary, as I really don't care anymore (it is old news now, let old presidents lie) and maybe never did as I always skipped the Pink song, "Dear Mr. President" as it seemed a little slow and folky and I like her other stuff better. I am the liberalist Liberal I know, and I really know very, very few liberals, so I do not know what that says.
Anyway, track 8 is catchy and it makes me laugh and I made the mistake of listening to it in my rental car with my son and he got very angry at me when I tried skipping it. His ears thankfully hear her saying, "You're cute" and he states it is a very nice song, very jaunty. He has not heard it since that day as I now know track 8 is a bit more directly vulgar than track 3, "Not Fair" which is his real favorite with its twangy country (which I 'hate' as I am not a country music person) which is also surreally vulgar but way over his head.
Either way he has not heard the album but once (or thrice), and he as a 5 year old consumer and expert on fine music to listen or dance to heartily recommends Lily Allen's newest CD to all, young and old.
He also requests, I,"turn it up" when hearing Pink sing about getting in a fight and not paying her ex's bills.

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