Thursday, August 13, 2009

partial scan

no comment on the pic above, except it is a partial scan of a larger piece too big for my scanner and it is not finished.
After 30 days, or so of being unemployed, I start my new job with elevated position and elevated pay. I am the luckiest person on earth, I am just glad no one was hurt, the only karmatic re-arrangement was backing into my garage door and ripping my car in the process the day of my final interview. Not too bad compared to the radiation therapy for cancer I went through to see the birth of my son healthy after he was in danger of not being born due to complications, or the ex-wife emptying our bank account when she flew away to NC and my getting my first artist job in Las Vegas 30 days later. Now to cash in on the "Cash for Clunkers" thing that just happens to be running at precisely the right moment for me.

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