Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Introduction by Gahan Wilson, from The Big Book Of Weirdos:
"...if you can spot the right Weirdo you can make a fortune (Henry Ford), find salvation (Georges Gurdjieff), or experience the absolute tops in literature (Fyoder Dostoyevsky), art (Vincent van Gogh), or theater (Sarah Bernhardt). Without Weirdos to lead the way, in fact we all would still be wrapped in the rotting hides of animals, crouching around fires in caves, and dying miserably of old age at around sixteen years old. Actually, we wouldn't be anywhere near that well off, because the fire wouldn't be there if some Weirdo hadn't been nutty enough to think of lighting one indoors, and we'd still be shivering in our bare flesh if another Weirdo hadn't been perverted enough to try to wear an animal instead of just gulping it down.
The truth is, you have to be pretty weird to invent a light bulb or create surrealism or put together the FBI, and if you think your totally unweird Uncle Fred could come up with "The Tell-tale Heart" or "Swan Lake" or "Plan Nine from Outer Space," think again. He's probably never even heard of them."

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