Monday, June 9, 2008


Click on the images to enlarge.

Why 'Ugh'? Because we all see things differently. The FFAC means to me two drawings a week of people I may or may not be completely enthused over and the major thing is that it is 2 drawings a week I might not draw otherwise. Here is how the conversation goes in my headspace, "Get off your duff, draw those two drawings and it can be less than polished perfection but draw or you are due to buy the compatriots a free lunch on your dime (and your dime is in the red most weeks) so put the marker to paper, have fun scribbling and filling your old found-art art sketch book of international-but-outdated-law textbook and watch if it does not turn a sow's ear to a silk purse by getting easier and simpler (and better) each week. Go on, watch the repetition burn artist scars into your colossol head." Or something like that. So I do not beat myself too much if Zooey does not look like "Zooey", I just want to draw two pictures a week I might not otherwise cram into my schedule, and maybe a year from now get a free lunch when the commish' quits (He has quit sodas, starbucks, picking his nose, etc. in the time I've known him and then one day you come by and he is sipping down a iced mocha latte chasing his slurpee and diet coke. I have never caught him picking his nose but I am not too sure he ever started after he was out of diapers or to begin with. He is very fastidious about his clean-ness, doubtful he'd pick his nose. Forget I mentioned it, I just know he reads my blog to check up on me, so I am sassing him).
Plus I have two empty sketchbook at home stuffed w/ printouts of starlets and actresses I wanted to draw but never found the time. I figure if I can produce two quick sketchy drawings a week, I must be able to then someday produce one polished print (in my free time outside of the 40 hours a week I produce polished work, at work where I get paid to do that) a week instead of two deranged quick scribbles or doodles in grey.

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