Friday, May 30, 2008

Moving day / 5th birthday

Sorry, between my son turning 5 and my office moving buildings, I do not have the time to be sparkling or kooky. Let the glare of the three Zomis below help cool your jets. I believe the origin of this image is somewhere around 1995. I mailed myself a xerox of this picture then and it sits postmarked by the US Govnt. in a unopened envelope in my files.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lazarus Egg - pencil

There is an actual lazarus egg. I painted the egg 10 years ago and put in in a jar. For that I got the award, "Most likely to make monsters in his basement."
I don't have a basement, any more.
One day until P. W.'s birthday.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

HeartVersusRing - part 2

This is what happens. This is what happens and don't tell me you have not been warned. It now occurs to me that I have not taken a good look at this piece before, as I did it in a dark room with low light as my son lay unconscious above me as I sat on the floor coloring this in. 'M versus M', what the heck does that mean?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

HeartVsRing - part 1

Thought I'd put in a "in-progress", to be followed by the 'colored complete' later. Had a long weekend, little out of it.

Friday, May 23, 2008

3 days of Blight

Thought since a three day weekend was coming up, I should make an extra over-stuffed entry of old, old art to make the more polished newer stuff sparkle all the more. Below is just another view of the big piece I posted before, but without me in the scene. None of the photos do this pic justice but is was a rather hodge-podge of conflicting elements and that that great to start with, maybe... Yet somehow I sold it, or more importantly someone bought it!
Sketch below done in Illustrator. Many year ago, remind me of odd t-shirt design it do. How this thing fly? Must be magic. I do not know, I just create it.

I love this guy. I love his name. I like his witty disposition, his cutting wit, the gleam in his eye socket when you have caught him trying to put one over on some rube. He is the bare bones of economy in design, no connecting tissue or much for joints between bones, he still somehow perseveres, or whatever. He is bizarre. I want a empire built around him; t-shirts, lunch boxes, reality show, fruit boxes, movies, cigar boxes, comic books, bone boxes, etc. He is the next Mic**y Mouse.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Invisible Hood-2003

Since I have been digging up old artwork, I thought I'd throw in ol' I. Hood since I put him up early in the month from my re-use a worthless text book series of art. This was made in Adobe Illustrator back in 2003.
Fun fact about Invisible Hood: He thinks Zooey Deschanel was the greatest actress of the 21st century and if he wasn't born 1,000 years too late, he'd talk about her constantly to all his friends and hope to someday meet her and woo her and marry her. But he was born sometime in 2920 AD and so he does not.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Grey the Alien

One made in 2007

The other 1999
Yet another from the 1990'sYou would not guess but I have a lot more stuff I could scan in with Grey, he is really much more expressive and diverse than these simple pieces show.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

God's Will

Forgive the watermark; the amount of work that went into this and that I have a newer piece in color like this one that I have yet to publish and the scary things you hear, like, "I saw your stuff on the internet but it was not your site or your name connected to it" makes me get chills.
I have been doing the Weave/Worms/Snakes/Chaos/Threads/Super-string theory art for 20 years, it would tick me off for someone to think themselves so terribly brilliant to try and rip me off when they could merely purchase it.
Plus, would you really want to piss off a guy that has been drawing this stuff for 20 years straight? Would you?
...Would you??

Monday, May 19, 2008


This painting is still in progress, it is some seven feet tall by some feet wide but it is not because it is large that it is still being worked (photo is from some time in the late '90's).
It is because I currently have a almost 5 y.o. boy that likes to touch stuff & help me create art and since it takes ~6 months for oil paint to dry and I have a new house, that is my current excuse. I had a different excuse before he was born.
I am pretty sure that this piece will go down as one of my great works, right after my son of course.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

really old work

I made the drawing in the photographs in 1993 as a class assignment in Ca. I sold it for $60 to a sorority girl in NC in 1995. I have no idea what prompted her to buy this piece, everything else I had for sale was much cheaper.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I was digging around, looking at old back-ups I'd made, after talking to a co-worker about how once my hard drive had quit on me and all I had left was small images (and not the original work) on my official web-page that I had not updated since 1999, and I found this old colored pencil drawing I made in 1993.
It is a bit rough but I like it. A Dominator is a evil alien from the DC Comics universe, so the model came from there but they never went into much detail back then, so I know with absolute certainty that my tweak is above the flat yellow, absent of shadows, non-detailed image that this one to the left grew out of.
If I can find a image I'll put it up so you can see... I just looked, nothing from the early 1990's, maybe later.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Another bit of fluff, not the best work but not the worst either. Each are separate pieces as I was playing about with color combinations for a "grander" final project as individual oil paintings. but I stacked them all here just because I did not want to post one a day and bore myself any more than I was doing posting the last three days postage(?). AND, still I have not posted the original prime Jupiter piece that was done in ink. The above are made in Adobe Illustrator.

(You know, feedback is welcome.)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Who is this triptych that keeps getting mentioned - part 3

Words to use, "Erase the pencil lines before coloring."
So... If I re-do this as I plan, it will be 200% better.
(note to self: 3 words, light and box, and Jupiter.)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Where's the triptych - part 2

Whoops, time past and gone, I forgot to load the new image until now.
Tomorrow is the really stinky one, posting it will prompt me to go re-do it having learned from my mistakes on putting down colored ink.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What is a triptych - part 1

TRIPTYCH, trip'tik, n. a picture in three compartments, side by side.

The above is one from a series with more coming to be posted here, and maybe more made after that. I just like riding some work into the ground. Quadtych? Quantych? Decatych? Are they even words?

I was so pissed 16 years ago at my U/D painting teacher, I brought in 3 paintings to fullfill some quota that was established for finished complete paintings for that quarter/three months of classes, he declared they only counted as one project as he defined them to be a triptych; one picture in three parts.
So he was right, technically. In the end, due to taking 2 U/D Painting classes and 1 U/D drawing class all at the same time (the Drawing and one of the Painting classes w/ the same professor for both classes), I ended up painting 28 complete finished oil painting in 3 months, ended up in the student show for the third year, got invited to a lot of faculty parties and introduced to a lot of local gallery owners, and last time I heard from that professor, he was slightly disappointmented that I became a commercial artist.

A lot of info no one cares about...

I guess I will have to wait and see if the following two posts lead to a triptch or not, or if they are just pretty pictures I am posting to fill the spaces between the servers.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Insert dada book title...

Kind of a random drawing, I had been playing around with design for book covers and trying out color ink pens. So this is most probably more of an experiment/sketch leading to a future oil painting.
The blue is sharpie permanent ink, the red is not. If you squared it from the bottom up, eliminating the top-half that is heavy with blue, it looks more balanced. Moreover, reversing the whole composition, cropping out the lower half, or 75% of the red, leaving a smaller exposure of the red revealed under the blue layer and a non-centeral 'peck' of red might make a interesting composition. (Guess I should not be making my notes to myself here on how to split the pic to diptych, but oh well...)

Friday, May 9, 2008

®, not TM

Well, break my arm and put a step-stool on my head...
I just found my lawyer's letter from 2003 when I registered Rage Doll®. I am supposed to be putting the registered mark, not the TM mark, oops!
I'll have to change my title graphic above to the correct marking when I get back to the office on monday.

(5-12-08: okay, done but I am keeping the photo up of the 2 y.o. I found who crawled under a foot stool in my bedroom. I think it is funny. No one put the stool on his head or broke his arm. He was found under the stool that way and he fell off a coffee table weeks before when he stepped on a pile of papers, did a flip and landed on a pillow, and his arm thus fracturing it in two places. )

Daddy's Demons

Another old/past work re-done in a new media, "Daddy's Demons" was re-discovered by my son and sparked some interest in him. He asked what their names were and I had no idea. So he gave them names and from there they gained a new life. Otherwise we would have never guessed that Chewbacca was a Star Wars action figure born in a demon action figure's body. Together we hope to produce more current animated adventures of these 6 inch high hellions that live in the cube farm where Daddy goes every day.
And it goes without saying but ® 2008 M. Chubb, All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Invisible Hood

Just biding time here, posting old art to fatten up the site. Invisible Hood is based from a sketch made in 2000 for a speculative book idea about a superhero team fighting 'Space-nazis' in the far future. IH, here, was so-called thus because he did not want anyone to know exactly what he looked like for fear people would not be enthused by his squirmy good-looks, he was invisible. Moreover, being invisible would probably be fairly easy to produce on a monthly schedule, not having to draw him in every panel would be slightly beneficial.
I always liked him so when I started my own, "Vandalize a book with art" challenge with a old international law textbook I somehow own (so it is my book I am freeing from out-of-print/out-of-date oblivion), I put him in almost first thing. #6 out of 11 pages so far, more scans to come as I fatten up this blog.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

This was my first scratchboard piece. I made it in 1988 in high school. The school picked it to be publicly displayed in some county or state-wide exhibition. I'll see if I have a better resolution scan, this is pretty bad looking scan, even for a piece done by a teen ager

The above is just a test image to give me an idea how this all works. I made this in 1992, the media is called, scratchboard. One has to sit there with a razor sharp instrument and scratch the black off to uncover the white surface beneath. I think it is pretty good for only my second try at this.