Thursday, July 31, 2008

Evolve or... just quit

Pardon me if I posted this before, my sheet of what I have posted and have not posted went gone missing and my system of "look at the past entries" is not being used at the moment.
If I have posted this before, it most likely came with the notation that this is the least favorite painting I have and I have done some odd stuff. People take it too literally, skulls meaning death to them, and death is bad. Well, death is not bad, unless you are on your way to death or in the midst of dying horribly and then i think maybe you'll change your mind and welcome the end of pain... But that is not my point. The skulls are representing the structure under the flesh, not death, here. Without that structure, we'd all fall down and unable to move forward at more than the pace of a worm. The skull protects our most precious organ, the brain, and that is pretty nifty keen.
Actually, this painting has not message. Originally there was 33 different languages saying, "I love you" where the skulls are now and I just painted them all in to re-do the thing back in 1992 when I did this.
Sometimes there is no reason for a painting full of screaming skulls, they just are.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

2002- hurt your eyes for while. can I?

I was just reminded of a old co-worker of mine who told me he tries to not look at bad art because it hurts his creative process. Not really a great innovator in the making, I think he sells shoes now, or wishes he did.
Unfortunately, he looked at the above art and now his brain is cursed to be forever polluted by non-traditional dada-esque uses of negative and positive space. Actually I am not sure he even knows the word, Dada, or about negative space in a composition. If he did, the above would scar his brain.
That is my urban myth.
Do I KNOW what 'Dada' means?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Search the landfills

I did this back in 1989. I am pretty sure between college and living on the east coast for several years, my mother threw this seven foot piece in the trash when cleaning her garage.
No harm done, but if she comes near my six and a half foot piece I store in my garage, she going to be sorry. :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

FFAC week 9 - less worse than you think, but not by much

original photo
First Scan (at home)


"Better luck next week."

"I suggest working with more confidence, this piece seems to have less confidence or boldness. Is it because of the branching out to color this week or are you being too delicate thinking that if you make a mistake it will be the end of the world and/or just thought less was more until you scanned this in?
"Try scanning this in at work, a different and larger scanner, let's see if it makes much difference, ok?"

"Thanks, Mr. Chubb. That's totally awesome. I do that. It is totally the scanner's fault. Thanks!"

(if you don't have a sense of humor, you won't get this. I pity you.)

second scan at work of my drawing of Chiaki Kuriyama

(I think my scanners may be broke, or I really need to get better photographs/not use print-outs of photos from the computer as they never look the same as the original/stop drawing Kuriyama like a different girl in a wig. Yet the more I look at it... it is not 'horrible' but not what I'd want to be the last effort
Also and un-related, I saw Battle Royale last night for the first time, I had no idea Kuriyama was in that. Good film, no wonder it is one of the 10 highest grossing films in Japan of all time. I hear the book is even better.)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

in-progress 7/24/08

Have you paid your dues as an artist?
What exactly does that mean even?
I don't think I will ever figure it out.

I have been raising my son by myself since he was 1 and a half.
Ask my family and they will say it has been since birth.
He is now five years old.
I find no remorse in hoping in the end I am recorded as a better father than artist by those most important to me.
I am a very good artist, as some would admit.
Art is easy for me.
Being a father is harder.
Being a good father is even harder than that.
Being the best father, the kind I think my son deserves, is easy.
Art and being a father are natural to me.
Art is my life.
Art is not a job or a career to me.
Being a father is my life.
Being a father is not a job to me.
I guess this might all sound silly to you.
Not to me.
...Maybe later.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

CHAOS! It is total absolute ANARCHY!!

My absolutely brilliant comrades-in-arms have all jumped ship, after weeks and weeks I am the last man standing in the FFAC (now re-named Facilitating Fresh Artwork Co-operative) and being the now seniormost member...
1. I am left with a warehouse of FFAC t-shirts.

2. I am blowing the door off the hinges and opening up membership to everyone that can see the text of my words to come and be a part of the chaos.

3. Have no clue how this will work out as the void left by throwing out all the rules, or most of the rules, or whatever rules no longer apply has left a vacuum, and all we have left are two subjects a week to draw however you like and when you like.

4. We will all someday be dead.
The image is titled "Xaos" which is, I think, russian for chaos.

See for the scant details.

just for fun

Since I posted my wednesday art last night, I'm going to post a "funny" pic of my son as an extra. Here he is employing his camouflage skills under a basket of clothes he tipped over. I can tell who has been reading Daddy's old lesson plans on Battlefield Deception from when I was contracted to Fort Bragg for 3d animation.

I don't know if searchs will really turn browsers to my site if I write Olsen Twins in my blog, I was just being silly.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

In progress 7-22-08

A page in progress I was working on tonight in my "international law textbook" art book, more wednesday night.
(putting celebrity names in your blog means search engines direct people to your site that might not otherwise ever see it. I thank Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, and Harry Potter for being so unknowingly helpful to getting the public to see my little modest blog. Superman, and Batman also have my gratitude.)

Monday, July 21, 2008


Sorry about the eye, got a little marker happy. I am a die-hard democrat, so this was followed by intense washing of the eyes as if I could wash the memory of this image out. I don't think I could go so far as to generalize and say I am totally anti-republican as I do not know but one or two and they are justsilly twats that just don't know better so I cannot but feel pity and compassion for them, but I am anti-Bush.
I guess it would not be too original to bash the man, so I will return to being non-political.
(Tuesday's post as posted Monday night, getting a head of myself)

I saw Andy Kaufman live when I was 12 or 13 years old. Just a note about personal connection to yesterday's subject.
Maybe I should suggest Michael Douglas to my pals at the HQ of F.F.A.C. (Free Food Art Challenge) so I can tell about he and I in an art gallery in Santa Barbara.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

FFAC week #8- Just say "What?"

Seriously, do you want this to happen to you?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Still having camera problems

I cannot get a photo of the oil painting I planned on putting here today. Nothing funny to say. Maybe something creepy instead?
I watched you last night (on TV). Iliza, you make me laugh (inbetween commercials). I hope you are the one(to win "Last Comic Standing" broadcast on NBC Thursday nights summer of 2008).

Thursday, July 17, 2008

So very sleepy...

Wouldn't it be nice to be an international super-star? Or, just known internationally? It is really quite simple, just get an internet site, fill it with a bunch of stuff; interesting stuff, awful stuff, odd stuff, stuff that maybe only important to you, important stuff, whatever you use for stuffing it all works. Then you wait. About one or two nanoseconds, maybe only a giga-second, and you have now become internationally known.
I got a comment from Norway this week. I may be be reading a bit too much into it but I think we are getting married now. I don't know much about this commenting stuff or how legally binding it is, I am just happy to have proof that I have broken into the norwegian market of international reknown. Fame and fortune are almost certainly to soon follow, don't you think?
(I was joking about the getting married stuff. No one gets my humor. Consider it silly stuffing.)
The above image is based off of the cover (see yesterday's image) after being scanned in to a computer and then drawn in Illustrator taking it from a flat pixelated image to a vector drawing with levels that I can further mess around with.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I was, for one, shocked that Patrick Stewart would want to play Spider Jerusalem but then I recalled when I lived in Santa Barbara and he did, too, and maybe still does... He is very much about his art and doing interesting things and creating things with his acting talent he can sit back and laugh about and be proud of. Shakespearean actor doing voice work for "American Dad", yeah, he is a quirky kinky saucy tower of an actor that can pretty much do anything his sets his mind to and bring down the house (that's good, yes?).
Anyhow, enough about the great P.S. of S.B./Montecito, let's have a tidbit about the piece above.
It's the cover of my sketch book, and someday when I am dead, my son will get $16 million to $100 million for it, they will publish it and he will be set for life (if you add in all the other humble M. Chubb creations also sitting around that will pass to him and the cost of living does not turn to depending on the number of mutant rat pelts you have).

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

random image from 15 years ago

first image of the next four entries on how a Zomi rolls.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

FFAC week #7 - run to the hot suite

(This scan of my drawing of Mena Suvari does not do justice to the original drawing.)

"Napoleon Dynamite", as if done by the character, Napoleon Dynamite. As some will say, "It isn't a liger but I suppose it is all right."

Friday, July 11, 2008

Red Skull 1989

Just to give you an idea of how long works-in-progress may haunt me, here is a piece from 1989. That's NINETEEN (nearly 20) years ago!
...No, this is not a work-in-progress, just a unfinished pencil study from a Captain America comic I was looking at 19 years ago.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

World War One Astronaut

Yet another in-progress piece that I have planned out to at least three iterations (making it another one of those triptychs, or more i detailed in June of 2008), I just get these ideas sketch them out then put them in my When-I-find-the-time folder I carry around everywhere. I think this one I was working out how to first connect the floating figure so it is more evident he is weightless and floating and then how to color it out to maintain a huge space and depth. I don't want it to be rendered out and land up flat due to haste.
Also, make him look more like the WWI astronaut but that ties into the connecting him to the scene with some steampunk-ish hoses and wires.
With the pens I got for christmas, I think I am getting closer to being able to finish this and carry it over to two or three variations.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

briefly meeting lives

YET another sketch that I intend to develop into a painting someday.
I started college thinking of myself a Drawing-type of Artist, and left thinking myself as more of a painter.
It is not the destination, but the journey.

Q: Where does this road go?
A: The road does not move, it is the people that travel that do.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ants on a mobius strip -- in progress

Like the title says, this is in progress and has been for maybe a year or more. A kind of fright has me spinning my wheels on this one, or... Had. I could probably finish it in an hour or more, I spent such a long time making it between raising a former infant for the most part alone/single and whatever else takes up my time, like job/housework/car/losing the house worries after buying the house worries/paying more in monthly bills than I make a month every month/family telling me I am not doing enough/etc. You know, ordinary stuff. right?
Anyhow, I just need to color the drawing in. Moreover, due to the time spent drawing all those screwy lines, I naturally don't want to mess it up and have to toss it on the discard pile. So I am going soooooo sloooooooowy that I forget that I still have not finished it in 3 years.
I think the end is in sight though. I can definitely say sometime in the next 7 weeks I will spend the hour or more and finish it. I started coloring it (one ant) in watercolor paint but it was not going well, so I stopped.
I even have the frame ready for it. Or, not. I sometimes find the matte is cut too small and it obliterates the composition by clipping the piece. Someday I will have to plan around that, or draw smaller things, or buy bigger mattes, or order a properly cut special order matte.
Hey! It gets a little boring not getting feedback or hoping some fantastic new person will see my stuff and want to whisk me off to consult with them on some fantastic earth-bending spectacular somewhere exotic and other than where I live, or even just waiting for some movie and/or TV star actress to fall in love with me. It can get boring. Maybe you don't know it but it does.
So click on the images to make them larger, and click me a email (or love letter if you are a desperately lonely but beautiful singer/dancer/actress, or ordinary person. You don't even have to be desperate, I am flexible).
Probably don't have to say this but anyway; I can come across little odd and hopefully never boring.

Monday, July 7, 2008

FFAC week #6. who'd of thought we'd last this long?

Words fail to describe but I'll try anyway... Two different brands of ink pens were used, and upon completion they would have been better if used for the opposite image than the one they were used for. Brown haired Ellen Page's hair should NOT be flat black and the far more subtle shades that were used for Bill Gates would have been great for Ellen's chest and lower face. The lips... My god, I picked this photo for the simple charm of their elegant un-showy-off-ness and instead got this exaggerated pucker due to the lack of subtler shades.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

This is me, love it or leave it.

I thought I might have to put at least one photo of me up here, so here it is. This self-portrait was done, my god, maybe 15 or so years ago. I have not changed a bit since then, maybe one or two more wrinkles but since I take care of myself, I still look as young as the day I drew this.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

4th of July Special early!

I decided since I was going to take off Friday for fourth of July, I could get away with posting two images for today's post rather than post one one day, then the other image the next. These were made in 11/2002, and oddly enough, 3/2003. I just think it odd that 4 months passed between them.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Time of my life

I realized this morning as I glanced back in the backseat at my small sweetly smiling son in his school uniform, that I am having the time of my life. I no longer have cancer, I have money in the bank to make my mortgage and buy gas, my son is happy and healthy enough, I have a good job/career, and if I could forget (and forgive) all the stupid ugly harmful things I have been told the latter part of my life about myself (and my son) I might just have a perfect life.