I was, for one, shocked that Patrick Stewart would want to play Spider Jerusalem but then I recalled when I lived in Santa Barbara and he did, too, and maybe still does... He is very much about his art and doing interesting things and creating things with his acting talent he can sit back and laugh about and be proud of. Shakespearean actor doing voice work for "American Dad", yeah, he is a quirky kinky saucy tower of an actor that can pretty much do anything his sets his mind to and bring down the house (that's good, yes?).
Anyhow, enough about the great P.S. of S.B./Montecito, let's have a tidbit about the piece above.
It's the cover of my sketch book, and someday when I am dead, my son will get $16 million to $100 million for it, they will publish it and he will be set for life (if you add in all the other humble M. Chubb creations also sitting around that will pass to him and the cost of living does not turn to depending on the number of mutant rat pelts you have).
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