First Scan (at home)
"I suggest working with more confidence, this piece seems to have less confidence or boldness. Is it because of the branching out to color this week or are you being too delicate thinking that if you make a mistake it will be the end of the world and/or just thought less was more until you scanned this in?
"Try scanning this in at work, a different and larger scanner, let's see if it makes much difference, ok?"
"Thanks, Mr. Chubb. That's totally awesome. I do that. It is totally the scanner's fault. Thanks!"
(if you don't have a sense of humor, you won't get this. I pity you.)

"Better luck next week."
"Better luck next week."
"I suggest working with more confidence, this piece seems to have less confidence or boldness. Is it because of the branching out to color this week or are you being too delicate thinking that if you make a mistake it will be the end of the world and/or just thought less was more until you scanned this in?
"Try scanning this in at work, a different and larger scanner, let's see if it makes much difference, ok?"
"Thanks, Mr. Chubb. That's totally awesome. I do that. It is totally the scanner's fault. Thanks!"
(if you don't have a sense of humor, you won't get this. I pity you.)
(I think my scanners may be broke, or I really need to get better photographs/not use print-outs of photos from the computer as they never look the same as the original/stop drawing Kuriyama like a different girl in a wig. Yet the more I look at it... it is not 'horrible' but not what I'd want to be the last effort
Also and un-related, I saw Battle Royale last night for the first time, I had no idea Kuriyama was in that. Good film, no wonder it is one of the 10 highest grossing films in Japan of all time. I hear the book is even better.)
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