Thursday, September 25, 2008

"15 Skulls" - Day 11

Tran Oozing met me out front, he told me to go home. It made no sense but so far it was the least bizarre thing that had happened all day.
So I ignored him.

He seemed fine with that.
Having no recourse, I decided to go home.
Let me explain myself, there was nothing funny about Tran and my curiosity was not piqued. That is the only explanation I can offer but things were getting neck deep and I did not want to get involved in Tran's non-funny business.
I had a job to do and there was definitely funny business going on, so I had no time to take on Tran's business and double my workload.
If I was a franchise, I'd just give him our 1-800 number but I could not.

Tran did not get my number that day, but I think you now know why as I just explained it in the last sentence. You were paying attention, weren't you? Because I certainly am not getting paid for all this.
Maybe I should have taken Tran and his business, as non-funny as it was. He might have paid me.
I am going home, in case you forgot.

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