Friday, September 19, 2008

15 skulls - day 7, the day after the day before Friday

His wife's name was Victoria but everyone called her, "Cherry." Everyone but me as I was always out of the loop, and no, the loop was not a place like the Meatgrinder (the corner butchershop next door to the ice skating rink that was named the "Meat-hook").

He (the man in the hockey mask) thanked me for doing most of the things he requested and explained that he was just joking around about the cherry tree and shaving his wife. I failed to correct him that I had done everything he asked and assumed that one way or another when he got home he'd find out. I forgot to ask him for reimbursement for the tree I bought and planted in his yard, then cut down. Shaving his wife did not solve my problem with the 15 skulls dropped on my doorstep, but it went a long ways.

Her sideburns/"mutton chops" were absolutely freaking me out.

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