Friday, June 5, 2009


I have had a bad time sleeping as of late, I think I have had 12 hours for the whole week. I had to stay home yesterday because lack of sleep should be an excuse, but I am back today. I watched, "Terminator: Salvation," "Drag Me To Hell," "Star Trek," and "Dance Flick" yesterday then came home and watched two hours of "TrueBlood." And then I slept for a while, until 1 am.
I woke up and tried to figure out who the nameless guy in the drawing above is.
Near as I can decipher "he" cannot breathe in outer space, or shoot laser beams out his eyes. It does have super strength and almost complete invunerability, and can fly (but since he can not go out into outer space, he is a homebody). And, everybody on his planet is like him, so when the Space Nazis came to conquer his home, the S.N. got their rears kicked. His people are very intelligent, it is just that they do not have hands or digits to use tools, so they cannot make space suits or rocket ships. Maybe the tails are their adaptation to that lacking.
This is what I was thinking of at 1 am this morning, just so you know.

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